Greetings, traveler!
iOS File System is a powerful tool for storing data. However, it is not the only option since Apple offers other tools for different scenarios.
By the way, if you want to read more about these options, you can do so here.
If your app frequently uses the File System, you may want to create a universal tool to perform CRUD operations. So, let’s do this.
Create a class FileSystemManager
final class FileSystemManager {
Now, let’s enhance it.
File path
First, we need to specify the URL to perform any operation. To do this, we need to know three parameters.
- Key — a string path component.
- Directory — a directory which will be used.
- Domain mask — domain constants specifying base locations to use when you search for significant directories. We will use the user’s home directory by default.
By the way, if you want to read more about FileManager directories, you can check out this article.
Now, let’s create a private method. This method will be throwable and return a URL
. We will specify the document directory, append our custom path component, and return this value.
private func filePath(
key: String,
directory: FileManager.SearchPathDirectory,
domainMask: FileManager.SearchPathDomainMask
) throws -> URL {
let documentDirectory = try FileManager.default.url(
for: directory,
in: domainMask,
appropriateFor: nil,
create: false
return documentDirectory.appendingPathComponent(key)
Now, we can perform CRUD operations. Let’s start with saving. We can only use objects that conform to the Codable
protocol, so we can use a generic method. We will use the same parameters but with an additional one — the first parameter will be the data to save.
We will create JSON
data with the JSONEncoder
and write it using the desired file path.
func save<T: Codable>(
_ data: T,
key: String,
directory: FileManager.SearchPathDirectory,
domainMask: FileManager.SearchPathDomainMask = .userDomainMask
) throws {
let filePath = try filePath(
key: key,
directory: directory,
domainMask: domainMask
let jsonData = try JSONEncoder().encode(data)
try jsonData.write(to: filePath)
To retrieve an object, we will use our filePath
method once again. After retrieving the contents of the provided file path, we can use JSONDecoder
to decode it and return its value.
func retrieve<T: Codable>(
_ type: T.Type,
key: String,
directory: FileManager.SearchPathDirectory,
domainMask: FileManager.SearchPathDomainMask = .userDomainMask
) throws -> T {
let filePath = try filePath(
key: key,
directory: directory,
domainMask: domainMask
let jsonData = try Data(contentsOf: filePath)
return try JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: jsonData)
This is the most straightforward method. After the file path is specified, we just need to call the FileManager
func delete(
key: String,
directory: FileManager.SearchPathDirectory,
domainMask: FileManager.SearchPathDomainMask = .userDomainMask
) throws {
let filePath = try filePath(
key: key,
directory: directory,
domainMask: domainMask
try FileManager().removeItem(at: filePath)
Examples of usage
That’s it! Now, we have a universal tool for CRUD operations. Let’s try it out.
let manager = FileSystemManager()
// Save
try?"Test", key: "test", directory: .cachesDirectory)
// Retrieve
let object = try? manager.retrieve(
key: "test",
directory: .cachesDirectory
print(object) // Test
// Delete
try? manager.delete(key: "test", directory: .cachesDirectory)
You can enhance this tool of your choice. Anyway, if you want to check out the source code or use this tool as a framework in your project, you can do so on my GitHub.
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